COVID-19 Protests

As the COVID-19 pandemic becomes more of a widespread challenge, protests have sprung up all across the United States. As stay-at-home orders, social distancing, and business regulations have been put in place, many people believe these to be attacks on their personal liberties. In support of these protests, many conspiracy theories have been made about the validity of this virus, which is further provoking people. Today, an article called We Americans will do pandemic our way by Doyle McManus was published that went into detail on how more challenges such as protests are occurring in America because of the American belief in our unalienable rights. Other countries have been able to handle this pandemic more smoothly because of cultural differences. My family in China criticize Americans and their inability to respect authority, which in turn leads to prolonged periods of social distancing and stay-at-home orders. My cousins have expressed their shock in seeing protests, which they believe shows both disrespect and a lack of trust within people that we put in power. They believe that their government is doing everything to help them ease panic and sort this virus out and respect the choices that they make. These protests stem from Americans’ inability to trust that the government is doing things with their best interest in mind.


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